I just got back from a shoot in Tennessee with Michael the photographer that I went to Chicago with. As a state I have to say I didn't get a very good impression with the exception of the Eastern side that is close to where I live. We shot in Jackson for a few days. We passed through Nashville and were close to Memphis, but we didn't have time for a trip out to really see either city, so I can't comment on them. The part of the state that I saw was just kinda blah. The air wasn't clean and the landscape wasn't pretty. I don’t know that I could recommend Tennessee as a visiting place, but they do have cool looking storms with incredible lighting. I managed to get a good shot in on our last night there. And the shot of Michael taking a picture of the mountains on the side of the road, that was back toward Asheville. So yea, don’t go to Tennessee for a vacation, come to Asheville and visit me instead, it's much prettier here.