Monday, October 11, 2010

Drift Off 10pm promotion

Okay here is the underwater spot.

Drift Off from Katie Damien on Vimeo.

A promotion for WLOS News13 at 10pm. Shot in Asheville, NC. Featuring Chris Hamilton, Coranna and Eruch Adams, and Jenny Wrobel. Shot entirely with a Nikon D90. Underwater footage acquired with a homemade rig. Special thanks to Leigh Lewis for letting us use her pool.


Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Underwater Videography

I just had my first adventure in underwater videography. I wrote a script for our 10pm news where people are falling asleep in front of the TV and then drifting off...literally. So to do the floating, drifting off shots I put my actors and my camera underwater in a pool. I used the blue of the pool as a giant blue screen and keyed them over background plates of the living rooms.

I have a still camera that shoots HD video in 5 minute bursts. So I had dad cut me some windows in an army ammo can and glue Plexiglas to the front and back. Then I would set my camera to roll, wedge it in the ammo can and seal it up before sinking it underwater. It worked out really well and my makeshift underwater rig didn't leak a drop. That video will be coming soon. In the mean time here are some photos of the underwater housing I used.
