Saturday, July 23, 2005

Windsurfing Vancouver

I have arrived safely back home in Asheville, North Carolina. I had some terrible flights, but mom hired a driver to come and pick me up from the airport so I felt very important leaving baggage claim with my own chuffer and I got to sleep the whole ride home.

Before I left the ship I had some final great adventures. Dan and I went windsurfing and biking around Vancouver. I told him we had to do superhero poses in our wetsuits because that's what they remind me of. We stopped at a little know ice cream place that had over 200 hundred flavors all right there. It was very cool. When I was in Juneau last Dan and I went hiking up a mountain and stopped in town for dinner with Michael and our dancer friend Terry Lee. And finally no farewell would be complete without a midnight Martini in the Martini Bar. You can probably tell from Michael's picture that he was already on his second one.

So now I'm going to apply to the masters program for creative writing at Warren Wilson College. The program is very competitive so Rebecca, who is also applying, and I are going to Pennsylvania to play…I mean prepare our submissions to the program. I'm set to join a ship in January after the holidays, which is how I like to do it. So now I have six months to decide what I will do with myself. For now, it's time to start writing. Then I suppose I better find some work. Which in this town is easier said than done.


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