Monday, June 16, 2014

Cannes Film Festival and Romania

I just returned from a whirlwind vacation/work trip to the Cannes Film Festival where my award-winning short film "Joint Effort" screened (see the movie here: In a previous post) and then Romania where I visited Dracula's castle.  If you want to know more about Cannes check out the page I made dedicated to my experiences there: My page about Cannes and stay tuned (I just realized how antiquated that term is.  In the digital age, does anyone tune a dial anymore?) for more on Romania! 

David Ostergaard, Tina Herring, Lela Winton, Billy Goodrum, there with the award-winning short film "Joint Effort" produced by Gorilla with a Mustache Films.

a bedroom in Dracula's Caster (Bran Castle)

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