Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baby Brandon

Remember a while back how I said the two most difficult things you can shoot are animals and children? Well I must just love the challenge of it, because I had to go and tackle the children half of that feat. I was so excited that my trip down to Florida happened to be right after my cousin’s baby was born. I’ve never shot a newborn and I was ready to go all Anne Geddes on him. Brandon, the baby, had different plans.

The first night I was there, he couldn’t settle down and sleep. He also didn’t want to lay down, or be held in any of the ways I wanted him held. He would seem to relax and then when everything was in position, he would start crying. I did get a few nice shots that night, but it wasn’t nearly what I had hoped. Luckily I was able to go back the next day and Brandon slept through the entire shoot. I guess what I’ve learned from all this is that children and animals work on their own schedules and you just have to be patient enough to wait for them…that and catching them while they’re sleeping helps too.



Mallory said...

They turned out GREAT!!

La Feroce Bete said...

That is the most precious thing.