Thursday, November 29, 2007

Flashes of Hope Shoot

The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) in North Carolina has been working with a non-profit orginization called Flashes of hope to go to hospitals and take potraits of kids with cancer and other life threatening illnesses. I went with Michael Mauney to one of these shoots.
The experience was draining and uplifting at the same time. They had people there to do hair and make-up for the kids and thier families. Michael and I took turns shooting, so that we had time to look at what we shot while the other was working, since most of the kids tired quickly.
One of the best smiles I got was of a little boy with his brother. The boy was grumpy and didn't want to smile or be touched by his brother. Michael asked the boy to stand off camera and makes faces at his brother, while Michael took pictures of his brother alone. This got the boy laughing and I managed to grab a shot of him mid-laugh away from the background. Of course the minute he stepped back up to stand with his brother he went serious again.

My favorite kid of the day was the one who didn't want his photo taken. He was a teenager who did motorcross and he was only there because his mom wanted a photo taken with him. I didn't shoot any pictures of him because I didn't want to subject him to any more photos than was nesicary, but I did manage to get a small smile or two out of him when I asked him about racing. This assignment was at times difficult, but above all rewarding.



Scott Hubener said...

Great shots, Michael said how good your black and white tones were on these. Great stuff, I mentioned your River Arts print on my Blog. Funny stuff.

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