Wednesday, March 16, 2005

New Manager On Board

My old manager, Sean, has already left the ship and has been replaced by a new manager, Resty. And when I say new, I mean brand new. He’s worked longer than I have, but only as an assistant. This is his first time as a manager. And he got no handover. Usually they send crew a few days before the person they are replacing leaves, that way they have some time to go over things together. Resty didn’t get that and we were expecting an experienced manager to come on, but the one we were expecting left Celebrity and went to work for another company.

So I got a brief handover from Sean before he left and now I’m training Resty. It’s very hard on us both. Resty has company training most of the day and I am trying to do the manager’s job and my job at the same time while teaching Resty and slowly letting him take over. Resty is great though, he works very hard and he’s catching on all right. I’m sure once we get through this cruise it will get better, but right now, I’m beat.

There will be more of my South American adventures coming soon. Right now we’re heading to Aruba. I’ve left you a little behind with the pictures. I’ve already become a shellback. That means I’ve crossed the equator. Before you cross the equator, you’re a pollywog. And they have a big ceremony where a person dresses like King Neptune and everyone gets really silly and they cover the pollywogs in batter and flower and through pies in their face before tossing them in the pool. I was shooting the event so I didn’t have to go through it, but someone still managed to get pie in my face.


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